Promoting Fairness and Efficiency





Operating Instructions


1.  POWER SUPPLY:  Steps down the 115VAC to the safe 5  volts used to operate the electronics, and provides a low working voltage throughout the system that eliminates electrical hazards when handling the system.

2.  MASTER CONTROL:  The master control is used by the chair person to manage speaking sequence for those requesting to speak and shows how many members wish to speak,  thereby making it possible to maintain an orderly meeting.

  • "ON-OFF":  This switch activates the system.

  • "ADVANCE":  This switch is used to advance the queue as members are recognized.

  • "RESET":  The reset switch resets the system when discussion on an agenda item is completed or terminated and readies it for the next discussion.

  • Digital Display:  Displays position number of the next three members wishing to speak.

  • LED's:  Indicates to the chairperson how many speakers are waiting to speak.

  • A Directory showing  names of all who have a request module and their seating position with a red LED that illuminates when a request has been made.

3.  REQUEST MODULES:  Each member has an individual control (Request Module), with three functions. These are:

  • Request to Speak Button:  When pressed it sends a signal to the master control, putting that member in the queue to speak.

  • Digital Display:  When a request to speak is input, the master control returns a signal to the individual unit, indicating that members position in the queue.  This number counts down each time a member is recognized by the chairman.  When a member is finally recognized, their module's two digital display will show blinking hyphens.  They will not be able to re-enter the queue until their display is again blank.

  • Cancel Button:  This button allows the requester to change their mind, and removes them from the queue.  When this happens all subsequent requests to speak advance and their displays indicate the change in position.  A new Request does not recapture the original position in the queue.



1.  Press "ON/OFF" to activate system, and press the reset button to insure system is clear and ready to function.

2.  Verbally open topic for discussion.

3.  As members wish to speak, they press their "REQUEST" button.  These requests will be displayed in the digital display window of the master control.  As the chair recognizes each request, the "ADVANCE" switch is pressed and the queue advances, showing the next to speak and informing that member that they are next to speak.  This sequence continues until all requests have been acknowledged.

4.  When all discussion has been concluded, the "RESET" switch is pressed, and the system is ready to work for the next topic.

5.  IMPORTANT NOTE:  When the last member in a queue is recognized, the "ADVANCE" button is pressed and the "NEXT" display goes blank. HOWEVER that person is still in the queue as indicated by the blinking hyphens on their request module and must be cleared from the queue by pressing the "RESET" button..

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For further information contact: 

Electrovote, L.L.C.
22322 Gilberto
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA  92688


Phone:  (949) 858-8820
Fax:  (949) 858-0505